27 October 2010

K12 Online Conference II

ok, so, I decided to be a good little do-be and try one of these things from the k12 conference with students. I chose the e-book to motivate pupils writing. Great. Not so much. First, the district wouldn't unblock the site so the kids couldn't work on the actual book. Second, I couldn't find a book making site as user friendly and as free as My E books. Third, rounding up permission slips to put them and their work on line. Fourth, it was a class of 20 and three computers, so trying to get them all a chance to work with computers was tough. It was ok though. I let them do the photography and play on photo booth on my Mac, and I let them type to a point. The poor things hit caps lock each time they needed a capital and they didn't realize the computer would move down a line as they typed. But despite some formatting nightmares, they liked picking out fonts and colors and the whole idea of being on line. They were pretty excited and some did go home to look at the book. Please check the book out at The Ugliest Gourd! Tell me what you think!


1 comment:

  1. GREAT project! Ugly gourds and cute kids! I enjoyed looking at it. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to use it as an example in one of my courses next semester with undergraduate teacher ed students. It will inspire them for sure!
