08 December 2010

The End of the Line

My technology class was good to me. I wish it was at the end of the program so all the tricks I've learned will be fresh. Maybe I should re take it because as we've learned, things will be different by the end of my grad school.

I have to say, I can not wait to get my hands on one of those smart boards! I just love how great it will be for assessment and getting all students involved. I like how it keeps track and organizes the data. I also can't wait just to play with it and draw on websites. Nothing like giving Abe Lincoln a blue beard! I also loved the grab bag sites. Huge fa of freerice.org

I liked the web quest project, but wished mine came out a little more visually pleasing. I can't wait to get student feed back, but will be editing it before they see it! I started with wix but lost my patience. I will use technology in class, I swear, but I have a hard time being in front of a computer for long periods of time. I totally won't mind supporting the kids working though!

I did get to use technology with my kindergarten the other day. We read a book and a character said he was afraid of a flood. A student asked what it was so I hoped online and found pictures from a flood in a basement to a natural disaster. I wish we had more than one computer in my room, though. The kids just love the computer already. I offer it as a center, but it's hard to get all 20 a fair chance to use it.